Hapkiyusul Class : $150/mo

Youth Class : $120/mo

Beginner Series: $120 for 8 weeks


  • Family Discount: $20 off per student/month for Youth and Hapkiyusul classes

  • No discount for the Beginner Series

Other fees:

Uniforms: $60-$70 depending on size.

There are no extra fees associated with youth belt tests.

How do i start?

Please make an appointment to come into the dojang. There will be a light interview in which you can meet Master Han, learn more about the practice and the dojang, and ask questions.

To register, you will fill out/sign a registration form and liability waivers. Minors require a parent or guardian to register.

If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please feel free to contact us.



Hapkiyusul Class

Adults/Teens Students will learn foundational exercises (warm-up), kicks and punches (손쓰기/발쓰기) and self-defense techniques (술기) - the heart of Hapkiyusul. There are nine sets of self-defense techniques from standing grappling to punching/knife defense. This curriculum is exactly the same as was taught by the Successors of Hapkiyusul.

Youth Class

Ages 10 to 14 Students will learn foundational exercises (warm-up), kicks and punches, and self-defense techniques. The curriculum is the same as the Hapkiyusul Class, however, the pacing is altered to accommodate this age group.

Beginner Series

All Ages This is an 8-week series where students can learn the basics of Hapkiyusul at a slower pace. It is ideal for adults who are nervous about starting a new martial arts practice and/or parents who want to learn together with their children.